Tuesday, April 5, 2016

A Letter From An Autism Service Dog Family

Dear Friend Of SDWR
We live in Stafford, VA. We have 2 sons, 8 and 5 years old with moderate and severe autism. We contacted SDWR a little over a year ago now and after visiting the farm at Easter 2015, we signed the contract and began our fundraising. We finished our commitment in 2.5 months and received Jaxon, a beautiful golden retriever.

Our Autism Service Dog has brought a lot of wonderful things into our lives. The comfort and support that he provides to both our children no one else is able to do. Jaxon brought a "yes I can" attitude to our 8 year old, Owen, who has a very poor self image with no self confidence. Jax is that friend that is always there for him and to a child that thinks no one likes him that's important.

 Jaxon learned how to cover Owen like a weighted blanket in his first training session with the trainer. Owen uses this "cover" command daily to calm himself when he is getting overstimulated. Owen has also been working with Jaxon at school with my assistance this year. He has gotten so good at handling Jax, I would say Owen does 99% of the handling. It won't be long that Owen will not need any support. Which again is amazing for a "I can't" type attitude/personality. Landon, 5 years old was completely non verbal before Jax arrived. Now, Landon scripts and sings, Thomas the Train songs. He still doesn't have back and forth/spontaneous language yet. But, at least we are getting something. :)

We also use Jaxon as ballast and we tether Landon to him when going out in public. It's funny when Jaxon first arrived Landon didn't want anything to do with him and we watched Jaxon wait for him. Never pushing Landon's limits, just waiting for him to want to touch him. Then after about a week Landon was irritated with us and was whining and fussing. Jaxon just stood next to him and Landon started petting him and stopped whining and fussing.

We are also training our Autism Service Dog to Search and Rescue Landon, since Landon can't verbally speak and is a wanderer. This is a VERY important job he will do for us! Both children use Jaxon in different ways that support their needs and Jaxon is there for both of them. This has probably been the best tool we could have ever given our children.

Jaxon always seems to know who needs him and will approach that family member waiting to provided emotional support... Even if its me or my husband. If I could say one thing about SDWR and our Autism Service Dog, Jaxon...it would be, No Regrets. I hope this helps you and your family. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.

Best Wishes,

Friday, April 1, 2016

Autism Speaks & SDWR with FOX 5: Donate today!

Service Dogs by Warren Retrievers has a special relationship with Autism Speaks. They train service dogs for individuals with disabilities, including those with autism. Dan Warren joined us to tell up about his program.

April is Autism Awareness Month, and FOX 5 DC Cares has partnered with Autism Speaks to raise awareness—and to feature some of the amazing members of our local autism community. All week, we’ve been bringing you their stories, and now, it’s your chance to do something to help.